How to Stage the Outside of Your Home to Impress Viewers

News at Elite Property | 12/05/2015

First impressions are critically important when it comes to selling a property, as the first thoughts a viewer has are likely to carry throughout the entire process. This means that it is crucial that the outside of the house is properly staged so that it looks as appealing as possible. With these tips we aim to help you ensure that everything is as it should be when your first viewers arrive.

Tip # 1 – Take a Step Back

Before delving into fixing any issues it is important to take a step back and view the property as a whole. Approach it from the pavement or driveway in much the same way as a new viewer would and attempt to pick out anything that stands out as a negative as you walk up to the front door. Anything that you pick up on is likely to be noticed by a viewer so take note of whatever issues you see and prioritise them in order of severity.

Tip # 2 – Taking Care of the Garden

The front lawn will always be a selling point, especially if the buyer is a keen gardener. This means that leaving it to fall into a state of disrepair sends out signals that the owner of the property doesn’t care about its condition and will put the viewer on alert to look for any other issues with the property.

Ensuring that grass is well-trimmed and doesn’t have patchy spots is a must, so reseeding may be required in some areas. Plants must be healthy and vibrant, assuming it is the right time of year for them to grow, and any weeds should be eliminated from the equation.

This thought process should also be taken through to the back garden, if the property has one. While the viewer will see this later on it is just as important to keep it as well-maintained as the garden at the front. If you don’t it becomes immediately obvious that you have worked on the front garden for the sole purpose of impressing the viewer.

Tip #3 – Repainting

Older properties will have small issues when it comes to presentation. After all, paint tends to peel after a certain amount of time, as anybody who has wooden window frames is sure to have noticed. During your walk up to the house pay close attention to any painted areas to look for cracks or flaking. These will need to be retouched with a new coat to ensure they don’t catch the eye of your viewer, though care must be taken to ensure that any colours you select match up.

Tip # 4 – The Little Things


Always pay attention to the little things that can make a big impression on a viewer. If an area at the front of the house looks sparse or uninviting try to spruce it up with a little bit of decoration in an effort to make it more appealing. Be careful not to overdo things, as part of the viewing process involves helping the person looking at the house to visualise themselves in it, but a small personal touch can demonstrate potential in many ways.